Drive Symbols not updated

Hi there,

I found that DOpus does not update the drive symbols in the tree view. Following scenario: I pluged in my USB external hard disk. Both, Explorer and Dopus show the default drive icon in the tree view. Then I created a autorun.inf to assign a special drive icon. I removed the USB disk and plugged it back in. The Windows Explorer processed the autorun.inf and showed the correct drive icon from the autorun.inf. Dopus still showed the old default icon. Even pressing F5 on the tree view did not fix the problem.



Does it change if you exit Opus (via the jumplist, i.e. right-clicking the taskbar button) and restart it, or is it still wrong then?

Yep, exiting DOpus helps. However, is this "by design"?

I don't know why Explorer is different but Opus just asks the operating system for the icons and displays what it is given. When the OS sends it a message saying an icon is changes, Opus will refresh that icon.

If you edit the autorun.inf by hand then there won't be a "there's a new icon" message sent so Opus and/or the OS itself may continue to cache the old icon. If closing and re-opening the window doesn't get the new icon to appear then the OS must be caching it. (Note that there is a separate icon cache per process.)

I thought, that if I remove and re-insert the USB plug, the autorun.inf gets processed and the systems sends a "drive icon change" message. Otherwise the Windows Explorer won't get notified as well.

Does Opus hook into the message when a USB drive gets inserted?

It must do, otherwise you'd see the same icon for every drive after the first one.