No matter what I do I can't get the Drive toolbar to display the images in a way that isn't pixelated.
I've messed with all the customized settings and none seem to make any change, let alone an improvement.
It is the same with the office toolbar.
Any suggestions on how to get those icons to look less blurry?
August 4, 2007, 6:10pm
I did a quick test:
When you select an icon or image for your button with a size larger than 32x32 pixels, the icon looks blurry.
When you use images or icons with the size 32x32 the icons don't look blurry.
See the screenshot below:
I had to set Icon Packager to display icons at 32x32 and that fixed it.
By the way, how do you get your icons to display color when you are not in a mouse over state? All of my icons are greyscale until mouse over.
I had to set Icon Packager to display icons at 32x32 and that fixed it.
By the way, how do you get your icons to display color when you are not in a mouse over state? All of my icons are greyscale until mouse over.
You need to change the settings here:
Set it to glow or none.