"Drivelabel" as path for USB-usage

I'm using the built-in paths like "home" with DO-USB. Unfortunately there's no path for the rootdirectory, so external tools, scripts,... must be copied to DOPUS-dir.

A path like drivelabel would be great to and easier to use. For example an USB-Stick called "Memdrive":

[b]Memdrive:\Tools[/b] instead of [b]F:\Tools[/b]

You can get the root of the /home alias like this:


I know. I helped someone in German forum who had problems using external commands with DO-USB (he used TC before!).

He said using paths should be easier, especially for the USB-Version. One issue I have noticed is the different path-handling for an external command and its icon.

Example programm started from USB:

E:\DOPUS\Tools\Word.exe >>> {a|home}DOPUS\Tools\Util.exe

But this doesn't work for the icon of "Util.exe" - you have to remove the "E:". That's irritating and too complex for most people.

BTW {a|...} didn't work for him, he uses /home. But that didn't work for me :confused: ! Do you know why?

Is that meant to have Word.exe on the left and Util.exe on the right?

Also, if /home points to E:\DOPUS then the second path should be {a|home}Tools\Utils.exe, otherwise the DOPUS directory is being included twice.

It's hard to say without seeing the exact buttons, and the directory structure of the USB drive.

[quote="nudel"]E:\DOPUS\Tools\Word.exe >>> {a|home}DOPUS\Tools\Util.exe
Is that meant to have Word.exe on the left and Util.exe on the right?[/quote]

Oh, sorry, this was a typing error. Once again:

Using DO installed on PC you can open a file:


You can use the same path to show the icon included in "Util.exe" in your button.

When starting "Util.exe" from USB you need to change it to:


This doesn't work for the icon included in "Util.exe" (smiley appears). To show you need to open "E:\DOPUS\Tools\Util.exe". Then you need to remove "E:" manually in the pathwindow so that DO always finds the icon. Variables like {a|...) don't work here.

This should be standardized.

Next point (maybe you remember):

I have an USB-Stick with DO installed in the root-dir (E:\DOPUS). I copied some scripts to "E:\DOPUS\Scripts".

I tried to use "/home\Scripts...", but that didn't work. Home shows to "E:\DOPUS". Using "{a|home}" works, but not for the guy in German forum. For him "/home" worked. That's confusing!

There are some situations where /home and similar will be sent literally and you have to use {alias|home} instead. Since I don't know the definition of the buttons that we're talking about here (the full buttons, including function type, not just the commands the buttons run) it's hard to say for sure but I suspect it's that.

Allowing icon paths to use aliases seems like a good idea. You should suggest it to GPSoft.