Drop file to folder tree

Hi all,

when i drop file (same drive) to folder in tree, cursor change with sign + (+ mean copy) but file are move. :open_mouth:

no problem with explorer and config drag-and-drop -> copy movewhensame

it's a new feature or little bug ?

The behaviour to move files in a drag and drop operation like that is normal, but the little + icon shouldn't be there in this situation IMO.

On the other hand since keyboard shortcuts and drag and drop operations are so customizable (unfortunately those little pop up icons are not) one shouldn't really put a lot of stock in what those icons indicate. However it would be nice if there was some visual indicator to tell us what will happen when we let go of the mouse and qualifying key as we drag and drop.

Just for the record if this is gonna be looked into.
If you drag any file or folder with the shift key hold down, the cursor converts to the move operation correctly but if you hover over any Folder Tab, it converts to the copy operation mode with the plus sign.

Not a big issue though, but what I like about DO is its polished interface and attention to small details that's hard to find in other competing products.

Wow, that is a BIG bug in v9. It works correctly in v8 and explains why I was accidentally moving and not copying files.

For what it's worth, I rarely drag and drop to normal way, instead I right click then drag and drop. When I let go of the right mouse button Opus pops up a context menu asking me what I want to do. Copy? Move? Or make a shortcut?

If you'd also like to do something like that go to settings/file types and for the "Directory Opus File Types" entry of "All files and folders" edit it and set your drop menu commands like those in the below screenshot.

This is fixed in Opus thanks :wink: