Dropbox integration in 12.8 and business accounts

I am at 12.8 under Windows 10. I highly appreciate the integration of Dropbox sync status. However, I have a personal and a business account with Dropbox and only the sync status of the personal account is shown. Also, if I enable the the "Status" and "Availability" columns in the lister for the business account, the values are empty.

Anything I can do to enable this on both accounts?

Personal accounts only support SmartSync if you pay to upgrade to the "pro" level. If you've done that then it should work.

"Professional" is exactly the plan I am having for my personal account. And to confirm, Smart Sync is shown as an option in the Dropbox Preferences for both accounts.

Sorry I misread your original message.

Can you please go to /localappdata/Dropbox in Opus and see if there's an info.json file there - if so, please post the contents. If the file isn't there it might also be in /appdata/Dropbox.

Here is the file as requested, just a little obfuscated:

{"personal": {"path": "C:\Users\peter\Dropbox (Personal)", "host": 55555555555, "is_team": false, "subscription_type": "Pro"}, "business": {"path": "C:\Users\peter\Dropbox (M\u00fcnchener Bach-Chor)", "host": 55555555555, "is_team": true, "subscription_type": "Business"}}

I can see another difficulty: Even if the columns "Status" and "Availability" are displayed for the personal account in a fresh listener, at some point they disappear and I still don't know the trigger. Terminating all listeners and starting a new one make them reappear.

Thanks for sending that! The problem is caused by us not handling the ΓΌ character in the path correctly. This will be fixed in the next update.

With respect to your other problem, this doesn't sound like anything directly related to Dropbox itself. If it keeps happening please open a new thread so we can help with that.

The fix for this is in the 12.9 update.

Confirmed, many thanks!