Dual Lister Left and Right View Problems

When I have a single lister the Left and Right View buttons seem to ignore their focus and each works on the open side. Unless I'm in dual mode I would prefer the buttons for the right disappear.

When I go to dual view then it get's a bit crazier. The right side buttons change the highligting on the left similar to how they had above but not completely.

I'm gonna post what's happening in a slew of button pushing and results and maybe you can figure out what's going wrong? I'll also post each script but just for one side as they're both the same now. I just made them the same by adding focus= to both sides of the buttons thinking that was the fix. I didn't code the buttons just added the focus= were I could, I also removed the hot keys, and redescribed the buttons trying to figure out why they are seemingly connected and how.

Button 1 is display details
Set VIEW=Details FOCUS=Left

Button 2 is display details plus thumbnails
Set VIEW=Details FOCUS=Left
Set COLUMNSADD=thumbnail(0,96) FOCUS=Left

Button 3 is thumbnails
Set VIEW=Thumbnails FOCUS=Left

Here are the screen captures as I push the buttons on the left to the end of the right.

Notice the two left side buttons are highlighted but only the one on the right. Both sides are showing details.

Pushing the 2nd button give me details + thumbs on the left while details are still on the right yet the selection on the right has changed to the 2nd button which would be details + thumbs.

Selecting the third button on the left shows the thumbs less the details but add's the image toolbar. The right side also shows the 3rd button highlighted but still in details.

Now I'm moving to the right-hand side button 1. Shoudn't really do anything because it's in details mode yet it closed the image bar and causes the first 2 buttons on the left to be highlighted and changing the display to details + thumbnails on the left.

Button 2 on the right turns off the highlight on button 1 on the left and also goes into details + thumbs on the right.

Finally, the 3rd button on the right-side changes the highlighted button on the left-side to also be the 3rd. The right-side displays the thumbnail view. Technically both sides should be in thumbnail view. The image toolbar is appropriately displayed.

You can use @hideif to hide buttons conditionally.

Or, much easier, put the buttons in a file display toolbar (like where the path field is) so that automatically appear above and act on each side.

Yeah, we've gone at this in some length because of the limited space on a 17" laptop, dual displays, older eyes and font sizes...ringing a bell? If the file group toolbar was expanded into the folder tree it might be more of an option imo.

The whole reason it's on the toolbar it's on is space usage.

But what is causing the buttons on the left to react to presses on the right and vice-versa? They have the scope included in the script.

Instead of

Set VIEW=Details FOCUS=Left


Set FOCUS=Left
Set VIEW=Details

Almost perfect. Now that I've fixed them they no longer highlight I wasn't expecting that.

I thought that a single Set command would apply the arguments in some order of precedence but what you're telling me is that each Set (or any command) just parses the arguments left to right but I can put them in any order?

Coud I just change the order of the arguments to Set Focus=Left View=Details and solve the problem?

I tried this on one and it went back to highlighting the "pressed" button although I'm not sure why that would be but I didn't want to go through and change them all till I understood if that makes sense?

Your example with multiple lines also implies that a Set Focus command holds until the script is complete? So each line doesn't require a Focus argument just one for the script? Is this also true if you have multiple arguments on a line? Do they hold for the length of the script or just that line?

You can use @toggle to change when a button is highlighted.

If only I could read it.

I've made a change to the CSS on the docs website which lets the code blocks wrap text, which should let you resize the page smaller now.

You might need to hold Ctrl+Shift and refresh the page to force your browser to reload the stylesheet.

I had to do the refresh and it seemed fine but then I increased the magnification by one click and it went off the side again. I could read through but its still cutoff on MOST lines.

The first thing I came across was this:

Taking the Set VIEW=details command as an example, ordinarily the button would appear highlighted when the file display was in details mode, and not highlighted when it was in any other mode.

So it's saying that it should automatically highlight when the ** set view** is used and it was until I moved that Focus command. The scripts that already have the @toggle already in them aren't highlighting either.

I did try to add the @toggle to the details button but it didn't do anything. I wasn't sure however if the mode should be singular or plural and because of the page I wasn't able to read it. @toggle:if&!COLUMNSTOGGLE=details or detail. it's kind of weird because the Set View= command uses the plural and the other not. This is the same command underlying the buttons that have it I just changed the end. I tried both the plural and the singular with no luck. But none of the buttons are highlighting regardless.

More reinforcement that it should be working from the webpage:

this button with no @toggle line will switch you to Details mode when clicked, and will appear highlighted when you are in Details mode as well:

Set VIEW=Details

Then it says:

When @toggle is not given, the highlighting (if any) is based on the first command in the button.

I don't understand what that means other than it's now looking at the Set Focus

Then there are modfiers. This is very tedious. It says you can add an & so that:

You can make the @toggle test in addition to the first command, rather than instead of it, by putting an "&" character after the "if":

The use of test in addition to the first command - I don't understand what you're trying to say? If I'm specifying in the @toggle the "test" what does that have to do with any prior command? Either DO is in the state you're testing for or it's not. Any commands in the script in my mind should be irrelevent.

All that stuff that went unanswered in my last post turns out to be very relevent. Yet there's no answer for it.

This is what I came up with for the first button but why it doesn't require the & is beyond me.

Set FOCUS=Left
Set VIEW=Details
@toggle:If Set VIEW=Details;if !Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=thumbnaiL**

Doesn't work. I've tried all types of contortions.

The 2nd button is the same confusion it would seem to me to need the & but won't work with it.

@toggle:if Set VIEW=Details;Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=thumbnail*

This seems to work.

The 3rd button

@toggle:if Set VIEW=thumbnails;Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=thumbnail

Why it doesn't need the & I don't understand.

Today I went to fix the 2 out of the 3 buttons on the right side and what I'm finding out is Set FOCUS=Left or Right is what the commands will operate on but it doesn't restrict the highlighting. I find the highlighting changing on the opposite side as it did before but the lister display itself remains the same because of the Set FOCUS.

BTW I didn't set these buttons up to begin with. All I did was add the Set FOCUS. If memory serves me I just copied them from another toolbar.