Dual pane resize control question


I've tried to find a way to make it easy to size my 2 views in dual panes mode. Basically, it would be nice to work with percent values and see the percentage of horizontal size change as I drag the middle divider.

For example, I would like both of my panes to be at 50%, or maybe one at 30% and the other at 70%. How can I achieve this? Thanks.

You can snap the sizes to 50% by double-clicking the divider.

I'm not sure if there is a way to set the size to other percentage, though. (You can with the viewer pane's size, but I can't see in the manual a way to do it for the file displays.)

[quote="leo"]You can snap the sizes to 50% by double-clicking the divider.

I'm not sure if there is a way to set the size to other percentage, though. (You can with the viewer pane's size, but I can't see in the manual a way to do it for the file displays.)[/quote]
Thanks for the double-click tip. This might make for a good feature request. A simple text element in the status bar of DOpus that displays a % value when drag mode is engaged would be a simple feature to add, and would be most useful.