Duplicate Files - delete mode - fails to check any files

I want to find if any files in C:\Users are duplicated on my D: drive.
If they are duplicated, I want to delete the files in C:\Users.

I set up "Find in" as first attached image.

I setup "Show results in" as in second attached image.

I click Find. The results are as in third attached image.

Note that none of the files in the results have a checkmark.
How can I get Opus to check the files in C:\Users that are duplicated on D:\ ?

Also, how can I set this up so Opus will check the files in C:\Users that are duplicated on D:, so I can delete the duplicated files from C:\Users?

Does the Select button in the Duplicate Files panel (between the Find and Delete buttons, bottom-right) do anything?

If not, which version of Opus are you seeing this with?

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Version is:

Yes, select button resulted in an X appearing in all but the first file.

Thank you for that.

Now, is there a way to get Opus to just select the duplicated files in C:\Users?

It always keeps the first of each duplicate group by default, so it you reverse-sort by location it will select things on C:\ for deletion over things on D:.

Where you have two or more things on C:, it will still select one of them. You may be able to use Edit > Select Pattern or similar (not sure what it was back in Opus 10) to de-select anything not on C:\ and/or select everything on C:\ if you wish to do it that way. (But remember that all of the duplicates may be on C:, so deleting all dupes on C:\ may delete all copies of some files.)

Thank you, I will try your suggestions.