Sir, I have some folders containing shortcuts, in my desktop and these are pinned in the Quick access menu for easy navifation while not in desktop. If the folder tree starts at 'Desktop', it dupicates the quick access and desktop contents together, and when starting at 'This PC', I loose the Recycle bin, Network and the User media folders too. Is there any way around?
The Desktop branch shouldn't show the contents of Quick Access, at least not normally.
Have you done something like create registry entries for those folders to make them appear on the desktop as well?
Or could it be related to the method used to rename Quick Access to "Home" (based on the screenshots)?
I haven't modified any registry. But, if it is not an issue with Opus, it's defenitely Windows issue. Coz, I'm on W11 22H2 Beta Insider Preview channel and the explorer itself is bugged out.
Anyway, Thanks for the fast response, Sir.
You are using a Windows insider version - this is for testing only, not for productive environments or DO-bug reports.