So far the duration column is not working fully/ only reading mp3/not mp4.
Works with win explorer/therefore not a pc issue.
Duration should be reported for mp4 as long as you are on Windows 7 or above.
If you turn on the Metadata panel for an mp4 file, do you see any information for it at all?
Yes, metadata is complete w/ duration.
win 7 Ultimate.
win explorer reports duration/no issues.
BTW Leo...I LOVE being able to set folder format on the fly.
Thanks sooooooooooo much heart
Running 12.07/opus says no new updates.
Do I need to run the beta installer again for .09/and would that make a difference with duration issue?
The update checker won't find beta versions, so you'll need to manually download the installer for them. Not sure if it will affect the duration column, but it's worth a try (and worth doing anyway for all the other goodies).
K, brb after install & report in grin.
Found the issue...opus cannot read vlc but explorer can (just updated to newest vlc, no change).
Opus reads win media player (bleh).
Installing 09 no change.
VLC is a program, not a file format. Which file format are you talking about?
mp 4
vlc default app
opus can't read mp4 via vlc for duration column/metadata reads fine
opus can read mp4 via win media player for duration column
via vlc opus duration can read wmv & avi
Just cked/now metadata for mp4 via vlc is not reading either.
Try re-assigning mp4 back to Windows Media Player using right-click, Open With, Choose Default (or similar). That may repair the file type and registry settings.
Need to get back to tending animals/I'll try some things (more cleaning, uninstalling etc) much later.
re-assigning after WMP , reg/junk files cleaning didn't work.
opus can't read mp4 meta data for some reason on my pc.
I was in error on meta data/opus nada on mp4/win meta data reads fine which I cked not realizing it was diff meta data reader.
thanks for looking into this/I'll see what I can figure out~rose
Thanks for all the help/without it could have been running in circles for days
Fixed association with reg file.
Opus 12 is very very nice.
I trust we don't have to go back to 11 if you don't have upgrade option by the time beta license expires.
You wouldn't do that to your adoring fans now would you
We'll extend the beta licences if needed, don't worry.