Dynamic Buttons

I am new to customizing Opus, so please go easy on me.

In the past I have created drop down buttons to take me to often used folders inside of project folders. So

Proj A Button would have a
Images Folder
Quicktimes Folder
Settings Folder, etc etc.

I create these all by hand everytime we have a new project.

The directory structure is always the same, only the project name changes.

So I was wondering, is there a way to create a button tree, that uses a Variable for part of the paths of each Folder.

IE Instead of creating each button for every project like this:


And then having to duplicate all that work for ProjB, it would be nice to have a button tree that was something like this


that way I could duplicate the entire tree and change the button name to ProjB and all the other buttons would update dynamically.

Does that make any sense at all? Please help

Do you mean you want those paths on the left, right and middle mouse button actions?

If so I don't know of a good way to simplify the buttons in general.

If it's a set of rotating projects then you could use Aliases to point to each project and then update the aliases rather than the buttons.

Or you could use Go FOLDERCONTENT to make pop-up menus which list the contents of the project folders, but that would be slightly different to the left/right/middle-click requirement.

The easiest thing may be to edit the button definition in a text editor. When in Customize mode, drag the button to your Desktop and you'll see a .dcf file created. You can edit that in any text editor and thus use search & replace, or a fairly simple script, to produce buttons with different paths in them.