I am new to customizing Opus, so please go easy on me.
In the past I have created drop down buttons to take me to often used folders inside of project folders. So
Proj A Button would have a
Images Folder
Quicktimes Folder
Settings Folder, etc etc.
I create these all by hand everytime we have a new project.
The directory structure is always the same, only the project name changes.
So I was wondering, is there a way to create a button tree, that uses a Variable for part of the paths of each Folder.
IE Instead of creating each button for every project like this:
And then having to duplicate all that work for ProjB, it would be nice to have a button tree that was something like this
that way I could duplicate the entire tree and change the button name to ProjB and all the other buttons would update dynamically.
Does that make any sense at all? Please help