Enhancement request: Clear filter by double-click


I have configures a filter box to filter files&folder and it works nicely.

I would like to be able to clear the current filter by doing a double-click into the text box.

Newsleecher handles it that way and I find it very convenient (although I know I could add a button for this instead).

Best regards - Peter

PS: Also, when in "File&Folder" mode the filter history can´t be cleared...

Seems like a good idea. I've passed it on to GPSoftware.

Great idea but by default a double click will "select all" text in the filter box. Perhaps a single click of the middle mouse button would be better.

Double-clicking the icon part could be made to clear the filter. That doesn't do anything currently (except show & hide the menu).

You can define doubleclick (an empty area in the lister) to run any function that you define.

I use filters all the time and doubleclicking any blank area in the lister engages my default filter.

I love that function!

[quote="Zion"]You can define doubleclick (an empty area in the lister) to run any function that you define.

I use filters all the time and doubleclicking any blank area in the lister engages my default filter.

I love that function![/quote]

A double click takes me to the parent folder on my setup... I couldn't live without that now.

Nice idea. I've configured Opus to do the same here now.

I'd tried setting the double-click event to go up before but I found I kept double-clicking by accident and it got annoying. Accidentally clearing the filter will probably not bother me, though. (Time will tell.)

Thanks for mentioning that as I hadn't thought of it and it's freed up a toolbar button.

[quote="Zion"]You can define doubleclick (an empty area in the lister) to run any function that you define.

I use filters all the time and doubleclicking any blank area in the lister engages my default filter.

I love that function![/quote]

Thanks for this great workaround (hopefully the double-click in filter area will be implemented in the future).

One problem though:
The option to run a custom command when double-clicking is greyed out in my options. I can only enable the "goto parent folder" option. I do see the option to enable a custom command, but as said - it's greyed out.
Why could that be?

Thanks - Peter

PS: Also any feedback on not being able to clear the filter history?

You have to create a user command before you can select one from the drop-down list. If there are no user commands then the list will be disabled.

Go to Settings -> Customize -> Commands -> User to create a user command.

It's been reported to GPSoftware.