I copy a large file to my OneDrive folder. While this file is copying I delete an other older file. After a few seconds the copy window elements turn red and a error message appears. Retrying is not helping.
Also Windows is not deleting the file and this dialog remains unchanged.
When I abort the copy action I see the file is being deleted but Windows doesn't seems to know and says I have to try again, which of course doesn't work because the file is already deleted when I aborted the copy.
You can do nothing about the Windows messages but why is DO12 giving an error?
Those error codes come from Windows (and the underlying filesystem, drivers, etc.). Opus just reports what the API tells it happened.
Why it is happening, I couldn't tell you, but since it is also affecting deletion to the recycle bin, it looks like an issue outside of Opus.
The 0x8007045d code in the delete message indicates ERROR_IO_DEVICE "The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error." That indicates something at a low-level is failing. Sometimes hardware, but unlikely in this case where it is triggered by cancelling something. Most likely it is a bug in the filesystem/drivers involved with OneDrive, or possibly antivirus getting involved with them. Opus operates at a much higher level and is just asking them to read/write data, which is then failing.
Does the same happen if you do everything using File Explorer?
Yes, same problem there. Microsoft must have done something new to OneDrive because this deleting while copying is the way I always work when dealing with large files.It also only happens with the OneDrive folder.
This issue made me recall a feature request someone did recently, namely queuing the delete actions like you do with copy and move actions. Even when the file system doesn't come to a full stop like it did in my situation, deleting while copying can be very intensive on HHD's (yes, still using those for backups). Especially when deleting more than one file.