i ran search and cant find this simple little issue..
Im shure its an easy fix but dang..i cant find anything with setting up the files in ftp to delete index files..it just simply wont allow it.
I get a error of 550 when im tryen to delete index files.
how do i set up opus to let me delete index files on the server?
also is there a way to set up the collumns to display the ownerships of the files on the online server?
Opus can only do what the server allows. It just send the commands and 'requests' the server to perform an action. If you are getting a 550 responce then see the FTP Log for further detalls but it sounds to me like the server is refusing the command. Talk to your sys admin.
Just another thought... If these are 'index' files that are being downloaded by Opus to obtain information to display in the description field then they must just be in use when you try to delete them. Some servers will allow deletion (delayed) and some will not. But if this is the case then there should be a progress dialog telling you that the index file is being downloaded?
So, perhaps try going to FTP Preferences (global) -> Index and turn off Enable index file downloading.
thanks there greg for the brain power..Just as i suspected it had to do with the file ownerships on the server..
I have this shared hosting account with this place websitesource.com and whenever i use mombo or some kind of app online that requires files to be installed serverside (in the admin-like components and stuff) the ownerships turn into this httpd:httpd thing..when it should be myfiles:myfiles kind thing..
yea so i can delete it even if i went in with wsftp or some other app..I cant change the permissions nither.
so what i have to do is get with the server people and tell them to turn my ownerships back to myfiles..could take a day..
suckie crappy ..but yea..
this OPUS Kicks Bananna!
loven it..intensly!
hey yea...so as i was sayen before..anyway to get the collumns to read report ownership info?
you can read permissons..but ownerships ..i have to log into this file manager serverside and fish out that info...
they use this Web Shell version 4.3.2..
maybe thers a way to combine it with Opus yes?..hehe nah..way tooo savy..