Hi. I mistakenly dragged a system folder (My Pictures) into the File collections Box.
When I tried to delete it, it first deleted all the files in my My Pictures folder (No Issue - I had them backed up), and then refused to delete the My Pictures ' collection. I can rename it now, but whenever I try to delete it I get the error message:
An Error occurred deleting 'MyPictures'
Access is denied (5)
Ihave looked everywhere in the registry, and the opus program directory for somewhere where it may be keeping the settings, but can't find how to delete it!
Perfoming a normal delete on a collection item will delete the actual item itself. To delete items from within a collection use the "Delete REMOVECOLLECTION" which is on the RMB function of the delete button in the standard toolbar.
The error you're seeing is because you are instructing Opus to delete the actual MyPictures folder and it no longer exists.
Hi Thanks for the swift reply - but it is actually a file collection itself - not a file folder in a collection. I actually dragged the My Pictures System Folder to the Root - File Collections Box - not to a file collection. therefore i can only 'delete' the collection - but get the aforementioned error message when i try.
When deleting any of my othr collections there is no error message.
I see also that I can use this RMB process to remove file/folders from collections, but cannot perform this on a file collection itself -
Yes-I even tried are-install - and was VERY surprised that when I had un-installed AND deleted all directories related to the Opus Program (in Program Files) AND cleaned the registry of all GP software entries, then reinstalled it was still there !! A certain amount of respect for it's persistence!
Type /dopusdata into the address bar, then go to the Collections folder and there should be a My Pictures.col or similar. Delete that and restart Opus. (If it's still in use, try Exiting Opus and deleting it with Explorer.)