Error in dopus_fileinfo (v10.5.0.0)


I've encountered an error message (sorry, it's German) which says:

Der Fehler (0xC0000005) ist im Thread 'dopus_fileinfo' an Adresse 0x000007FEF5E4C7A5 aufgetreten.

The Thread could be gracefully stopped and I could still work with DOpus, however I noticed that the file highlighting did not work anymore afterwards.
I have defined highlightings for read-only files, and based on time.

It also could be that this bug is related to the new MTP implementation because I know that I had open one tab to my Galaxy S2. The highlighting functionality was introduced before that version with MTP support and then I did not have this error.

Hope that helps...

I just could reproduce the issue - there was no device connected which used MTP.

The error is thrown when I click on "Computer" (where all drive nodes are attached) and the file and folder labels are enabled.
If I disable the labels the error is gone.

What's the definition of the label that causes the problem?

  1. highlight files which are up to 5 minutes old (time = modified within last 12 hours)
  2. highlight files which are up to 12 hours old (time = modified within last 5 minutes)
  3. highlight read-only files (Attribute = R)
  4. highlight files in a zip container (location = ^$)

The bad one is number 4, which checks if I'm looking at files in a zip file!

Thank you! I've reproduced that so we should be able to fix it for the next beta.

Thanks as well, looking forward for the fix :slight_smile: