Error message: Windows cannot find file


I'm trying out Opus and so far I'm liking it, expect for a major problem I'm experiencing with opening MS Access (mdb) files. Every time I double click an Access file I get an error message saying that Windows cannot find the file. Here is a screen shot of the message:

The file does open however, despite the error message.

I believe the situation occurs because I am running 2 versions of MS Access. Even though I have the default file affiliation to one version.

I have also tested Explorer2 which did not have the problem with opening the MS Access files.

Any ideas?



If you're familiar with the registry settings behind file types it would be good to get a list of them in the hope of discovering what causes the problem.

If you're not familiar with them and just want it fixed quickly, then try this:
[ul][li]Right-click a .mdb file[/li]
[li]Select Open With[/li]
[li]Select the version of Access you want to use (click Browse and find the Access exe, if Access isn't already presented to you as an option)[/li]
[li]Make sure the checkbox which makes this the default choice from now on is turned on.[/li][/ul]
That should solve the problem, at least in theory.

[quote="leo"]If you're familiar with the registry settings behind file types . . .
That should solve the problem, at least in theory.[/quote]

Thanks for Leo, but that's been done already.

The default MS Access version is 2000. Right now I am only experiencing this problem with Opus. Xplorer2 opens the .mdb files correctly, and in the correct version.


Hi there,

I wrote a small tool to help diagnose this problem and ones like it. ...

If you run the EXE in the zip, enter MDB as file extension and then click Save then ti will output a text file (it asks you where you want it to go).

The text file should (if I haven't forgotten anything) contain all the relevant information about the file type from the registry.

If you run the tool and attach the generated text file to a reply I'll take a look at it and see if I can re-create a filetype on my system which reproduces the problem.


Hi Leo,

Just want to say thanks for your assistance. However I decided to go with Xplorer2.

Have a great week . . .
