ESC -> exit filter bar and make selected file visible

Is it possible that DOpus could make selected file(s) visible when exiting filter mode?
I would consider this as a wish for the future version.

I will try to describe my problem more clearly:

I open a folder with pictures and open one of them using IrfanView. I scroll to see next, next next etc. Then I find three successive photos that I want to do something with (let's assume their names are something_0150.jpg, something_0151.jpg and something_0152.jpg). I want to scroll DOpus lister so I can see them.

This is how I do it:
File names are usually longer than just a number (like something_0150.jpg) so it's inconvenient to type file name to "find as you type". So I press "." to go into filter mode, type 150, select file something_0150.jpg and exit filter mode.

The problem is: file something_0150.jpg is not visible anymore and I need to scroll lister view to see it.
I would like to see as many selected files as possible when exiting filter.

The best I found is Select MAKEVISIBLE THIS

  1. I don't know why it works only with "this" and doesn't work with "nopattern" - probably because "makevisible" doesn't scroll when a file is already selected.
  2. I'm afraid that if I redefine ESC to disable filter and execute this select command, this might override some other ESC functions.

I've been thinking about this but I'm not sure how well it would work in practice, although I can definitely see where you're coming from.

Whether or not the filter-bar is displayed is (depending on configuration) independent of whether or not filtering is actually happening. So scrolling the file display when the filter-bar is hidden could be potentially annoying, especially if it was just hidden because you were about to click on something which then moved.

If the scrolling was instead triggered by turning off the filtering itself, then typing a filter, erasing it (which effectively turns off filtering) and then typing a new filter would cause the list to scroll, potentially scrolling out of view the things you wanted to look at while typing the new filter.

(Similarly, scrolling to the first visible item (if any) on every keypress into the filter wouldn't be great, either.)

[quote]The best I found is Select MAKEVISIBLE THIS

  1. I don't know why it works only with "this" and doesn't work with "nopattern" - probably because "makevisible" doesn't scroll when a file is already selected.[/quote]
    Select MAKEVISIBLE needs to be told which file to act on. It's not implicit as with some commands (partly because it only acts on one file, not the entire selection).

Yeah, it's probably best avoided as it might cause problems (although I'm not certain that it would, I'd be worried about the same thing).

Binding Select MAKEVISIBLE THIS to another key is probably the best thing to do for now, unless we can think of a better way to handle all of this.