Evaluator Groups - Status column


Making a group scheme that uses the value of the status column yields 2 results, * if the item has a status icon and Unspecified if it does not.

Please can you make it more useful by making value the status label name as set in Label Defintions.


You can already group by status; it's built-in.

What should happen if a file had two or three status icons?

This displays the label name per group, why does value not hold that name ?
Also a group sceme should allow you to display whatever you want if you don't want to display the label name.

The user can put catches in for cases like this.
if x and y then do a
else if x do b
else if y do c
do d

What's the difference between that and what you're trying to do?

What are you trying to do?

Because it's turning icons into ASCII text. Similar to how the rating column turns into ***** or similar.

(This is likely for when printing/listing a folder as plain-text. The code to do this wasn't written for the evaluator; the evaluator is using existing column-to-text functions that made sense for what they were originally made for, but might not always make sense in other places.)

I could have here 'Music folder', 'Movies folder', etc. and in say a music folder it could be used to display things that have had the same status icon used as in another folder but mean different things, using group schemes and evaluator to assess the status icon and display a group name.
in a music folder a 'green circle' status icon could mean 'newer than 4 weeks' and in a movies folder a 'green circle' icon could be 'newer than 3 months' .
But the value needs to return a meaningful variable other than * to do this.

Why not use the Label column? That already returns any labels in text form.

1 - most of my status icons do not have labels.
2 - I don't usually use the labels column much as it takes up more room than the status column.
3 - images are quicker than text.

  1. You can't have a status icon without a label (unless you mean things that get automatically diverted to the status column, like sync or SVN status).
  2. You can group by a column without having to add it to the display.
  3. See 2.


how please? my group menu isn't showing unchecked columns.

It's done through Folder Format > Grouping.

Thanks, good to know.
Not sure if your avoiding the original request

because your focusing on cleaning up beta to get ready for release, which is understandable, so perhaps put the request on the Feature Request list. Possibly as an option somewhere if you don't want to change the main code.
Useful grouping schemes for status column that only has a value of * for each status icon an item has are few (compared with the number of schemes possible if the request was implemented)

This has been fixed for 13.13.1.

Many thanks, much more useful now

one thing to note
value only returns the label of the first status icon if there is more than one.
The in-built label column also only shows the first label.

Not here:

getting odd results

one of the status icon labels is missing from the group name and four labels are missing from the label column, is there a setting somewhere ?
The image status icon has this checked

hold on just checked that box in the other four labels and now they appear in the label column
but the image label still not showing.

Is it a status label or a general label? The Status column only shows Status icons (labels), not all labels.