Hej there,
is there a way to use meta-informations scraped for files by everything as columns within DOpus?
Hej there,
is there a way to use meta-informations scraped for files by everything as columns within DOpus?
I think the new Everything SDK allows you to do that, but it hasn't been implemented in Opus yet.
However, almost all the properties that Everything can show are already available in Opus.
Could you be more specific about the property you're referring to? Is an Everything-specific one?
take resolution and length of videos as a example. I know, that DOpus can show that as colums, and exiftool also does that. But everything has, as running as background service, also scraped that (in my configuration), and is presenting that in a very fast way.
metadata from mp3 files as artist, title and so on is another example.
Makes sense.
I'm not sure if the ES tool has been updated with support for the new SDK. If so, and if you have basic scripting skills, you could use it to get the required data.
It would definitely be best to ask in the Everything forum. Something like if there is a possibility to access indexed extended properties from an external application.
Tbh, I haven't had the time to check if the new SDK allows that, but the feature requests were pointing in that direction.