@lxp Why do we need to place es.exe with Everything.exe? Is there a way to place it a separate directory that other computers can reference? I am trying to keep DOPUS related goodies in a common place, so that I only need to update them once. That way, I can export configurations and know that paths will all point to the same place.
Edit script.
Continuing on the "now mostly Happy journey"!
I went into Folder Options and set the EFS column as Default while discarding < Size (auto) > ,
and if I simply click a folder to go deeper in the dir structure, then EFS continues to give Folder sizes.
However, if I use a middle mouse click to open a folder in a New Tab,
I have to F5 to make it show in this deeper directory opened in a New Tab.
I also implemented the "also display the size for files" substitute script that was so kindly provided -
and it works fine. Interestingly - though folder sizes don't immediately display
when, as described above, a mouse click is used to open it in a New Tab -
file sizes DO display immediately.
So, at the risk of greedy - is there a way to get folder sizes to also auto-populate
even if a directory is opened in a New Tab?
Thanks very much for all this contribution!!
I guess so es.exe knows to which Everything.exe it is supposed to talk. This is just how Voidtools has designed it.
Is there a way to place it a separate directory that other computers can reference?
You could try placing a link to a central es.exe into the folder (Copy MAKELINK
). Not sure if this works.
I am trying to keep DOPUS related goodies in a common place, so that I only need to update them once.
Try a portable installation, they seem to run just fine. It could even live inside the Opus folders, so it's included in config backups and USB exports. The Everything.db will become big, though, so that might be impractical.
Interesting, something I never noticed. Maybe I should get a three-button mouse one of these days
I added a few things to the script to cover this scenario. You can be the guinea pig and try it out. I'd be interested if you run into any performance issues like delayed tab openings.
EventUpdateEverythingFolderSize.js.txt (2023-08-21)
1st test -
the tab opened immediately,
but it took 17 seconds to display anything in the new tab - even file/folder names,
and .... the EFS column was - blank -
Is there a way to make the "EFS" column show in kB instead auto?
I am afraid custom columns set to type size are always displayed as auto. You could change to number, like here.
The best option is to upgrade to Opus v13 which provides native support
First, I know everyone is busy bug testing and coding in response to Version 13. It goes without saying that I would appreciate someone's help. My problem is regarding the EverythingFolderSize scripts which for some reason is not working for me. I believe I have followed Ixp's instructions to the letter but have not been able to make Everything script and pug-in work as intended. All I can think of is that there may be a conflict with version Everything 1.4 and 1.5b. Now I realise that the plugin is native with Version 13 and if I knew how to set it up properly I would use it. Unfortunately, I am not a programmer but if I was, I would probably not learn Javascript as Python seems to me to be the way forward. However, let's not debate this here but maybe someone can tell me why Ixp's version is not working or better still guide me and no doubt others on how to get Everything working as a foldersize alternative. Here is my current setup and as you can see, I looking at my downloads folder and then looking to see EFS column and then sort it by size. As you can see no size is given. Please help:
Notice the EFS column has no values at all but why? Also, I note that the log files show no error!
Opus v13 has native support for Everything, so there is almost no reason to install the scripts and buttons from this thread. The only scenario I can imagine would be needing a "second opinion" for the size column by installing a different version of Everything and using it for the add-in. But the add-in will always be slower and as a general advice, I recommend against using it with v13.
So are you saying the size column is already 'talking' to 'Voidtools Everything version 1.4' if installed? If so, it still takes much time to calculate folder sizes, so I assumed it was using the old hookup to the Windows API to estimate the folder size. People say folder size calculation is lightning fast with 'Everything version 1.4' installed, but I don't see that as it feels much the same as it did previously. Also, I understood that they still used the old way - the Windows's API and the new way using 'Voidtools Everything version 1.4' if installed. So, if the latter is true, why am I not getting the EFS column populated with the 'Voidtools Everything version 1.4' calculated folder sizes? Could your excellent tool be suppressing the Voidtools calculation due to a conflict, or am I more likely missing the point altogether? If so, what do you suggest I do to rectify this problem?
If the size column is slow in v13 and EFS shows nothing the most likely explanation is a broken Everything installation. Uninstall/Install is probably the quickest approach. Alternatively, you could hook up EFS with a portable installation of Everything.
Did you refresh the lister? there are directions somewhere in this discussion to do that.
I did what you suggested and also removed Everything 1.5 beta and all works as designed thank you so much. You're a gentleman and a scholar.
Sorry, I am new of Directory Opus and I have a question:
What version of DO this script work from? Is there a specific version or any 12 is ok?
It was published for Opus 12.31. I haven't tested older versions, some will certainly work. But why would it matter, especially when you are new to Opus?
Which version are you using?
Thank you. I'm using a portable version of my father and I was wondering if it could works or not
I ask to him which version is
Help > About will reveal your version.
Try running the script; the worst-case scenario is that the column remains empty.