EverythingFolderSize (Use Everything to calculate folder sizes)

I've added a bit more debug info to the script.

Please install, check the log for anything red, and follow the instructions to test your Everything installation.

ColumnEverythingFolderSize.js.txt 2024-12-10

Hi Thanks for give me some instruction. I have been followed your Instruction.

Installed This [quote="lxp, post:142, topic:44281"]
ColumnEverythingFolderSize.js.txt 2024-12-10

Then Followed This Instruction

Send you the Script.log file in your massage box. Please have a look.
Then I face a problem to test my everything installation.
I have run the cmd without administrator and type this code:

C:\Users\Khalid>"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\es.exe" -parent

Then Hit Enter

C:\Users\Khalid>"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\es.exe" -parent
Error 4: Expected switch parameter.
ES is a command line interface to search Everything from a command prompt.
ES uses the Everything search syntax.

Usage: es.exe [options] search text
Example: ES  Everything ext:exe;ini

Search options
   -r <search>, -regex <search>
        Search using regular expressions.
   -i, -case
        Match case.
   -w, -ww, -whole-word, -whole-words
        Match whole words.
   -p, -match-path
        Match full path and file name.
   -a, -diacritics
        Match diacritical marks.

   -o <offset>, -offset <offset>
        Show results starting from offset.
   -n <num>, -max-results <num>
        Limit the number of results shown to <num>.

   -path <path>
        Search for subfolders and files in path.
   -parent-path <path>
        Search for subfolders and files in the parent of path.
   -parent <path>
        Search for files with the specified parent path.

        Folders only.
        Files only.
        DIR style attributes search.
        R = Read only.
        H = Hidden.
        S = System.
        D = Directory.
        A = Archive.
        V = Device.
        N = Normal.
        T = Temporary.
        P = Sparse file.
        L = Reparse point.
        C = Compressed.
        O = Offline.
        I = Not content indexed.
        E = Encrypted.
        - = Prefix a flag with - to exclude.

Sort options
        sort by full path.
   -sort <name[-ascending|-descending]>, -sort-<name>[-ascending|-descending]
        Set sort
   -sort-ascending, -sort-descending
        Set sort order

   /on, /o-n, /os, /o-s, /oe, /o-e, /od, /o-d
        DIR style sorts.
        N = Name.
        S = Size.
        E = Extension.
        D = Date modified.
        - = Sort in descending order.

Display options
   -full-path-and-name, -filename-column
   -extension, -ext
   -date-created, -dc
   -date-modified, -dm
   -date-accessed, -da
   -attributes, -attribs, -attrib
   -date-recently-changed, -rc
        Show the specified column.

        Highlight results.
   -highlight-color <color>
        Highlight color 0-255.

        Change display format.

   -size-format <format>
        0=auto, 1=Bytes, 2=KB, 3=MB.
   -date-format <format>
        0=auto, 1=ISO-8601, 2=FILETIME, 3=ISO-8601(UTC)

   -filename-color <color>
   -name-color <color>
   -path-color <color>
   -extension-color <color>
   -size-color <color>
   -date-created-color <color>, -dc-color <color>
   -date-modified-color <color>, -dm-color <color>
   -date-accessed-color <color>, -da-color <color>
   -attributes-color <color>
   -file-list-filename-color <color>
   -run-count-color <color>
   -date-run-color <color>
   -date-recently-changed-color <color>, -rc-color <color>
        Set the column color 0-255.

   -filename-width <width>
   -name-width <width>
   -path-width <width>
   -extension-width <width>
   -size-width <width>
   -date-created-width <width>, -dc-width <width>
   -date-modified-width <width>, -dm-width <width>
   -date-accessed-width <width>, -da-width <width>
   -attributes-width <width>
   -file-list-filename-width <width>
   -run-count-width <width>
   -date-run-width <width>
   -date-recently-changed-width <width>, -rc-width <width>
        Set the column width 0-200.

        Don't group numbers with commas.
        Format the number with leading zeros, use with -no-digit-grouping.
        Wrap paths and filenames with double quotes.

Export options
   -export-csv <out.csv>
   -export-efu <out.efu>
   -export-txt <out.txt>
   -export-m3u <out.m3u>
   -export-m3u8 <out.m3u8>
   -export-tsv <out.txt>
        Export to a file using the specified layout.
        Do not output a column header for CSV, EFU and TSV files.
        Store a UTF-8 byte order mark at the start of the exported file.

General options
   -h, -help
        Display this help.

   -instance <name>
        Connect to the unique Everything instance name.
   -ipc1, -ipc2
        Use IPC version 1 or 2.
   -pause, -more
        Pause after each page of output.
        Don't show any results when there is no search.
        Show help when no search is specified.
   -timeout <milliseconds>
        Timeout after the specified number of milliseconds to wait for
        the Everything database to load before sending a query.

   -set-run-count <filename> <count>
        Set the run count for the specified filename.
   -inc-run-count <filename>
        Increment the run count for the specified filename by one.
   -get-run-count <filename>
        Display the run count for the specified filename.
        Display the result count for the specified search.
        Display the total result size for the specified search.
   -save-settings, -clear-settings
        Save or clear settings.
        Display ES major.minor.revision.build version and exit.
        Display Everything major.minor.revision.build version and exit.
        Exit Everything.
        Returns after Everything process closes.
        Save the Everything database to disk.
        Returns after saving completes.
        Force Everything to reindex.
        Returns after indexing completes.
        Set the error level if no results are found.

    Internal -'s in options can be omitted, eg: -nodigitgrouping
    Switches can also start with a /
    Use double quotes to escape spaces and switches.
    Switches can be disabled by prefixing them with no-, eg: -no-size.
    Use a ^ prefix or wrap with double quotes (") to escape \ & | > < ^


This reply have found from cmd.
Then I have typed this code into the everything window search bar

parent: "C:\Users\Khalid\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus" folders:

But nothing found, here is the screenshot

please let me know if anything can I do. Thanks

You need to paste the entire command line :slight_smile:

The log shows an errorlevel code:

8 Everything IPC window not found. Please make sure the Everything search client is running.

So the script is set up properly but can't reach the Everything engine. The Everything window seems to have the same problem which is odd because it looked ok in the screenshot you sent via PM :confused:

It's hard to tell what blocks the access. Try uninstalling/installing Everything. Try a portable version. Try 1.4 instead of 1.5. What Antivirus do you use? Are any "optimization" or security tools active?

Whare should I found the Command Line Code brother? I am confused!! you give a picture which is not completed. I am tried to type the code from your this picture

Please text me the code of Command Line Code then I will paste that code into cmd

You ignored the log panel and actually typed that line...?

It's specific for your PC and meant to be copy-pasted :smiley:

Forgave me dear @lxp I don't understand before, I don't know the code was in the script log in the directory opus. In This Time I uninstall the Everything search alpha 1.5 then Uninstall the Directory Opus Also. I uninstall both of them from windows default classic program uninstall panel

Then newly Download and install both of them.
This Time When I stop the script from the toolbar then I found your code "C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\es.exe" -parent "C:\Users\Khalid\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus" /ad -size -name -s
in my script log panel, I copy that line to the cmd and hit Enter. Cmd reply Error 8: Everything IPC window not found. Please make sure Everything is running.

But the program everything alpha 1.5 steel running on my system when cmd say Everything IPC window not found.
2nd Test is I copy this code parent:"C:\Users\Khalid\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus" folders:
and paste into the search bar of the everything UI

No Anti Virus has been installed on my system just default windows defender and no other cleaning program or optimaized program has been installed on my PC now.
and here is my script log file
Script Output.txt (64 KB)
I hope This time I don't make any mistake but still no folder size in EFS Column.

Well, very odd, but at least the Everything window now works :+1:

Try portable installations. Make sure to start with fresh .ini files.

I've modified the script a bit more. If the log level is set to max the script will automatically run the self-test when turned on. It will open a lister, a DOS window, and the Everything window for /dopusdata.

ColumnEverythingFolderSize.js.txt 2024-12-11

Finally EFS Works Fine! THANK YOU SO MUCH BROTHER @lxp

What have I changed?
I just remove previous installed version of everything and download the portable version of alpha and followed all the instruction as this post. change the ini file.

Hey! Well done. What a nice success! Cheers :champagne:

All credit goes to you brother. But there is 2 little problem.

  1. every time I restart my PC Directory Opus start with Open This folder "C:\Users\Khalid\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus"
  2. I cmd window open automatically for checking code maybe but after check done! it's not cloes automatically. need to close manually.

** do we need this checking part of code any more?

If the script runs well, set the log level to none. The check is unnecessary, and logging will slow Opus down.

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