EverythingInterface.start() sometimes doesn't work

Sometimes (I just can't figure it out exactly when this happens) whenever I use EverythingInterface.Start() in a script , EV doesn't start and instead that method returns false. So, something like this in the Script Ad-Hoc Editor :

var EVI = DOpus.Create().EverythingInterface();
DOpus.Output('autorun : ' + EVI.autorun);
DOpus.Output('isrunning : ' + EVI.isrunning);
DOpus.Output('version : ' + EVI.version);
DOpus.Output('start : '+EVI.Start());

Gives :

I have to restart DO until this part works properly again.

Note that everything_autolaunch is correctly configured, as this issue doesn't happen consistently (sometimes EV starts just fine).

Can you check it and figure out what’s causing this behaviour?

BTW, I'm in v13.11.3 with EV v. (also happens with v1.4)


The most likely thing is that Everything isn't starting up quickly enough. Opus waits 2 seconds for its control window to appear before giving up and failing.

(For me, it starts up in under 50ms, so 2 seconds seemed like a safe buffer).

In the next update we'll add an optional parameter for the Start() method so you can make it wait for longer.

Thanks for taking a look, and for the addition.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I imagine the timeout is related to how long Opus waits to detect if Everything has initialized. That is, Opus starts Everything, tries to detect it for a maximum of 2 seconds, and then EverythingInterface.Start() returns the result of that operation. Even if Opus doesn’t detect it in time, Everything should have started, right?

To emphasize, what happens to me sometimes is that Everything doesn’t initialize, even after the timeout.

Oh, well in that case I've got no idea what's going on. Maybe Process Monitor could reveal something.