In File Types -> Directory Opus File Types -> All Files, when I set a custom action for Left-Doubleclick then this action is executed when I double-click on any file, but it stops there and the standard action (e.g. open the file in the associated program) is not executed anymore.
So how can I achieve the following when double-clicking on any file:
First execute the standard action (e.g. open the file in the associated program),
Then execute my custom action defined in All Files.
Add FileType ACTION=open as the first line of the command.
Note that filetype actions are usually (maybe always?) run asynchronously and so anything else you add will probably run in parallel, not after, the open action.
While the above code does work, so the recent files can be viewed in a program like RecentX, this does not work with folders. I tryed the following code in File types for All Folders Left-Doubleclick:
Copy MAKELINK=shortcut TO /Recent
But this does not add the shortcut of the opened folder to the /Recent directory. How could this be done?
Try doing the copy before the go. If you've changed directories then the thing you wanted to copy (the directory you clicked on) is no longer selected or visible and the copy command might not do anything.
Copy MAKELINK=shortcut TO /Recent
However might there be a very small delay when opening a folder? Will the two actions be executed consecutively or in a parallel manner?
dopusrt /CMD Copy FILE {filepath$} MAKELINK=shortcut TO /Recent
Thank you. It seems that this code works better than the above code. So far no perceivable delay. So does this command run asynchronously?
In most cases there was no delay either. Only in some cases (DO busy?) a progress dialog appeared for appr. 0.5-1.0 seconds.
dopusrt /CMD Copy FILE {filepath$} MAKELINK=shortcut TO /Recent
After some more testing: I have a directory "C:\bb" which contains 147 subfolders and 4281 files in the root of C:\bb, so it takes a few moments to display all items in the lister (List view). In this case - when I open C:\bb - then the shortcut is NOT created! Why?