Expand all selected folders

New tree view embeded into listers is a great feature.

It would be nice to have option to expand all selected folder clicking one of the selected expand icon.
(by default, through preference option or key modifier)

State before

State after

Best regards,

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You can try this one...Expand/Collapse Folder button

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Thank you for the link to another discussion. I'm aware it is achievable through scripting but it would very useful to be able to expand selected folders by clicking on arrow. This is more optimal workflow imo for mouse users. Ctrl / shift select some folders and click on arrow.
Scripting (and maybe some hotkey) is nice workaround though (but with few clicks more).
Unless there is scripting event for expanding folders.

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You could put it on a toolbar button next to the file display, which would be easy to click on after selecting the folders.

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Yes, of course, but you have already mouse pointer next to last selected folder so it would be much more fluid to just click the arrow. Better UX.
This is just what I expected by default. Select multiple items and perform some action, expect action is working for all selected items. (like drag&drop).
If it is impossible I accept this. My question was in category NICE TO HAVE.
Thank you for your answers.