Expand/collapse folder

Using DO 13.9. I like the new ability to expand/collapse folders in the lister. I see that Alt + down expands a folder, and the docs say that Alt + up is supposed to collapse the folder, but for me it doesn't. Also, I see the 'expand folder' command in Customize Toolbars / Keys, but I don't see 'collapse folder' in that menu, so I don't know how to add that hotkey to collapse a folder. Any help appreciated.

It should be there by default:

go expandbranch=collapse

For some reason, it's not there. How to fix it?

It looks like both your toolbars and hotkeys have been deleted (or at least had all the hotkeys cleared out of them).

I'm not sure what could cause that if it wasn't intentional.

A config reset is the easiest solution, unless you have other settings that you need to save. That can be done via Settings > Backup & Restore in the main window.

No, my hotkeys are there, I'm showing what I see when I search commands for 'collapse' (see bottom of the image). Without the search, I get what you see below. I do have some custom settings and scripts, is there any way to see what I currently have that differs from the default config so I can recreate it if I do a config reset?

Ah, I missed that the list was filtered.

I would just add the missing hotkey in that case.