Expand/Collapse Tree Button

Newbe question: where can I find a collapse/expand tree button? In my other Explorer I had this button
(expand / collapse 1 level, or 'all' levels), but I don't know where to look to find something similar in
Directory Opus.

Tried to create a user-defined toolbar button,something like 'go EXPANDTREE/S', but that did not work.

thanks for any feedback.


The command

Go ROOT=collapse

Will collapse the entire tree.


dopusrt /cmd Go {s} EXPANDTREE

Will expand the current active branch of the tree one level. I am not aware of a command or option that would allow you to expand an entire branch all the way out. Note the folder tree has to have the focus before the expand button will work, it doesn't matter with the collapse button.

If it were me, I'd use the above commands in a 3 button button. For example a left click could expand a branch while a right click could collapse the tree.

You can press * on the numeric keypad to recursively expand all levels in the tree below the current selection.

jon wrote:
You can press * on the numeric keypad to recursively expand all levels in the tree below the current selection.[/quote]

Hello to you both,

Thanks for the feedback. Maybe it would be a (small) enhancement to make
these expand/collapse tree/directory available as both a toolbar button and as a RMB-feature.

As for "*" or "-" : normally useres are moving around
pointing at folders/trees with their mouse-arrow.
It maybe a bit more convenient to have the collapse/expand features
available still using the mouse, ie. as a button or rmb.

I know of a Explorer replacement having following button options (available for the toolbar)

  • expand 1 level
  • expand all levels 1 drive (root)
  • expland branch (folder)
    and obviously collapse the above.

Just an idea... :slight_smile:
