Would somebody be open to writing a script that can expand the pixel width of the Folder Tree Pane to, say 800px, when the mouse is hovering over the Folder Tree, and then revert it back to the original width (or a specified width, maybe like 300px) when the mouse leaves the Folder Tree?
If simply hovering over the Folder Tree Pane is not a valid trigger for such an event, perhaps the width adjustment could be activated only when a Folder Tree Item is hovered over and reduces when no item is hovered over, or when an empty space in the Folder Tree is clicked... then the pane shrinks back down once you click outside of the Folder Tree. Or, maybe a short timer to revert back after 1 sec once hovering is not longer detected? Any of these approaches would also work great, though a hovering trigger is preferred over clicking, if possible.
This request is inspired by the amazing script @WKen has so graciously just created, which opens and closes the Viewer Pane as you select and deselect images. I find that automating the process of activating panes when needed, then minimizing them when not actively in use is a major efficiency enhancement
For reference, @WKen's Viewer Pane Script I mentioned is, in case anybody else is into that sorta thing!
Viewer auto open close.js.txt (5.0 KB)
Anyhow, to anybody with an interest in this, thank you so much in advance!