I'm using this feature very often. In example my co workers are sending me stuff to review and I just click the "open folder in explorer" function in ICQ, which thankfully is catched by dopus.
I have a dedicated folder for each co-worker that is saved in my setup and automatically opened when dopus starts.
For some time past (I can't say an exact version number when this start to happen, sorry) dopus now opens new tabs instead of reusing the existing ones, but it doesn't happen always and I couldn't find any rule when this happens.
Any ideas?
See screenshot, the last 2 tabs have been added by the explorer link instead of re-using the existing tab on the left.
ICQ may be launching the real/direct path to the folder, rather than the virtual path via the Documents branch, which could mean Opus (or WIndows, depending on which API ICQ is using) isn't recognising them as the same folders.
If you "open in folder" twice for the same folder in ICQ, does it only open one extra tab and then re-use it?
And if you flip between the original tab and the one that ICQ caused to open, do they actually have the same paths? (If not, re-save your lister/tabs using the path ICQ is using, and it should then work as you wish.)
That's true, these are subfolders of "My Documents".
The weird thing is that it's working properly for most of the cases (90%), just sometimes a new tab is being opened. If I click multiple times on the link, no new tab is opened, at least usually.
I've double checked this, they have exactly the same path.
The path starts with "C:\Users\XXXXXX\Documents...", so it looks like a normal path to me? Or did you want to know something else?
I cannot foreclose that Miranda is the source of the issue but it seems very unlikely to me, because it is updated rarely and regarding the changelog, they haven't touched this functionality for years.
I followed your recommendation and created a new tab, but it didn't solve the issue.
By now, I think it's a bug and I can reproduce it each time, when changing the folder path in a different tab.
It's easier to see than to describe, so I made a video clip:
It happens at 0:25 and 1:07, only after the path was changed in a different tab. After that it takes around 1/2 second and you can see that the original tab is activated, but right after that a new tab is opened for some reason.