Exporting Preferences as Text

Hello everyone,

Is a way to export the Preferences in a way that they can later be read and understood?
The OCB file is a bit hard on the eyes. :slight_smile:
It would be neat to be able to look at a file and say "Ah, I had that option checked".

Or (dreaming) for version 3A, some kind of pdf of the way the Options look in the menu.

If you rename a .OCB file to .Zip, you can extract its contents. The config files are almost all XML, so you can diff them using a tool like WinMerge or Beyond Compare.

It'll be difficult to identify the exact differences with some of the options, since they are stored as numeric flags within the XML, but you'll be able to see the category that the differences are part of, at least, and many settings are completely human-readable.

Leo, you are a god. Thanks a million.

Oops, forgot to ask.
What program should I use to rename the OCB into a zip???

/* wink */

[quote="playful"]Oops, forgot to ask.
What program should I use to rename the OCB into a zip???

/* wink */[/quote]
wait, was that a joke because you winked? or did you wink because you forgot to ask? I can't tell! :slight_smile:

wait, was that a joke because you winked? or did you wink because you forgot to ask? I can't tell!

Dear ktbcrash,

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Thanks for using our service. We look forward to responding to your request promptly.


Alex, I'll take North America for $100 please.

Hey, you never know. Some people don't know how to do renames on the file extension. Maybe the file extension is hidden (Microsoft's stupid default) :wink: Actually, does Opus even hide file extensions, ever? Been so long since I set mine up but now I can't find an option to hide them if I wanted to.

Very true. You just never know.

Microsoft's stupid default
Yes, always the first thing I undo when troubleshooting grandma's computer.

I can't find an option
Love that search box in the Prefs panel, it makes it so easy to find options.
Prefs /Folder Display / bottom of screen: Hide hidden files, Hide protected OS files

Thanks for extending a helping hand, wishing you a fun day. :slight_smile:

I know, I wish other programs had that.

That doesn't turn extensions on/off. That just hides entire files that have the HIdden or System attributes assigned to them.

Now I'm curious :slight_smile: is there a way to hide extensions?

The best I can find is to hide the .lnk on shortcuts.


Hiding file extensions can be done via a checkbox in Folder Options / Folder Formats.

There's the little rascal, was looking in the wrong spot. I knew it could be done. Thanks Leo :slight_smile:

That doesn't turn extensions on/off.

Ah, yep. My bad, didn't pay attention.
I actually turned that option on when I upgraded to v10.
It may seem brain-dead, but here is why I love it. In the second column, I display the extension (ext). It takes a lot less space than the "file type" extension. That way I can still sort by file type, and save space both in the first and the second column!


Prefs, zip files, add ocb;.dis to the file extensions: Ah... Life is good. No more renaming dis files when messing with icons.
Leo, are these (dis and ocb) the two extensions that are zip files in Opus, or are there more?

Wishing you's a fun weekend.

Ahh, Nice idea for a new way of doing things (for me). Thanks for the tip!


You can sort by extension with the normal Name column by holding Shift while clicking the header. (i.e. Sort as you would normally, just holding Shift at the same time.)

Themes are zip files as well. Can't think of any others.

I love it when that happens. And it happens often on this forum, thanks to the generous sharing of insights. (Look below, Leo has done it again.)
Can't believe it took me four years to join. I was really using Opus at ape level. :slight_smile:

Aha... I don't think I've ever used a theme.
What extension are the theme files?

.dlt I think.

You're not missing out on much; all they do is import some picture, color and font settings. Useful for sharing those things, but not so exciting that you need seek them out for the sake of it. :slight_smile:

(Hmm, maybe you could use a theme to quickly change your font sizes, as per your other thread.)

That's why I browse it a couple times a day. Just to see what others are asking, so I can learn more. :slight_smile:

I still owe Leo some beers for his handy-dandy script he wrote me! :wink:

Thanks Leo, thanks ktbcrash.
Talk soon.