Exporting/upgrading FTP address book to USB

I needed my most recent FTP address book from my desktop computer on my USB thumb drive, so I just re-exported everything to the USB drive.

But using the USB thumb to run DOpus at the destination computer, I only got some older FTP address book, and not the latest one. What am I doing wrong?

I just manually exported FTP address book and replaced the ftp.oxc file in the USB thumb Config Files folder and it's working, but I'm sure this is not desired behaviour.

It should be copied with the other config files when you do the export, unless you choose the option to only update the program and leave the config.

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I see. I might've just mindlessly missed this option, kept clicking and be done with it. For me, the default option is [Replace], but I understand it's safer for the rest of the people to leave the current config intact.


Thanks @Leo, appreciated it.