Extract goes via C: for some reason

When I "Extract Here" archives from a folder to another folder on the same drive, it first unpacks on C: THEN copies to the destination folder. This can take a lot of time, depending on size/number of files. Is there some way to skip C: and do it on the same drive? Or is this decided by Windows, and not DOpus?

Which "Extract Here" are you using? Is it in the right-click context menu, or on a toolbar?

Are you sure it's Opus that's extracting the archive and not another tool that's added a similar command to the context menu? Opus would not usually extract to a temp folder first.

Right click. I think it's DOpus. Here's a pic:

Looks like Opus.

That shouldn't go via temp. What makes you think it is?

It takes quite a while and I can see the copying progress. So I can actually see where it's copying from.

See where? It's mentioning C:\ in the progress dialog, but the archive is on another drive?

Well, I'm unpacking from archive on F: to F: (different folders), but it unpacks it on C: before transferring the files to the destination F: folder. I see it in in the progress dialog.

Your F drive may be telling the operating system it's a removable drive.

Try turning off Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Zip Files / Use temporary folder when copying to Zip files on removable drives.

That seems to have fixed it. Thank you! :grinning: