If I have a .zip file or a folder and use the button, it extracts all underlying files to the destination lister (good). If I add a Delete QUIET command at the end, it deletes the file/folder when it's done (very good). But what I really want is to extract the file/folder to the current directory in the current lister... so I changed it to this:
Delete QUIET
I've had this button on my toolbar for years and it worked fine... but hasn't worked at all during the past few upgrades (I'm on Why is the HERE command causing it to fail? This is the error I'm getting:
I don't think Copy EXTRACT has ever done anything with folders. The EXTRACT argument is for dealing with archives (zip and rar files) so if it's only failing on folders then that's normal.
(Later edit: Turns out I was wrong and it used to work, and now works again in Opus
If you want to copy/move the contents of selected folders out of the folders then there are different commands which will do that. (Some examples are in the Buttons & Toolbars forum, as I remember.)
It's not. I have a c:\test\test subfolder arrangement with a .txt file in the subfolder. There are no other folders or documents in the c:\test folder. I want it to extract the subfolder and move all of its documents into the c:\test parent folder, then delete the subfolder. That's what has happened in the past.
OK, I just filed the bug report with gp. I was trying to determine if there was something I was doing wrong, or this was a genuine, newly introduced bug. Given that it used to work, the docs say it should work, and the lack of "no, stupid, do it THIS way" forum response, this now seems worthy of reporting as a bug.
BTW, I use @dironly
Copy MOVE "{f!}\." TO "{f!|..}"
in the interim, but it lacks the ability to extract from archives. The advantage of COPY EXTRACT HERE was that one button could extract folders AND archives.
Actually I usually use this "defolder" command AFTER I've extracted a ZIP file into a separate folder. First I extract each ZIP into it's own sub folder, but if I find there's only ONE file in the subfolder, I "defolder" it. Having subfolders with only one file in them annoys me.