Sorry probably a newbie problem, but I have setup F3 to toggle the Find Panel in DOpus 9. When you press F3 focus is given to the 'Name Matching' field - which is what you would expect, however this seems to prevent a second press of F3 from closing the panel.
Is this behaviour by design as I find it slightly disconcerting - if I press F3 again when the find panel has focus I would expect the panel to close
Opus hotkey assignments (that are not system-wide) will not work when any of the following have the system focus:[ul][li] Any of the three Utility Panels[/li]
[li] The Viewer Pane[/li]
[li] Fields on toolbars[/li][/ul]
Opus hotkey assignments (that are not system-wide) will work if any of the following has the system focus:[ul][li] The folder Tree[/li]
[li] A File Display[/li][/ul]
The idea behind a shortcut is that you can perform a function with a keypress instead of having to use the mouse to click somewhere. At the moment you can open the find panel ok with a keypress but in order to close it you have to click on a lister and then press the shortcut key. It's faster to just click the x button which means the shortcut key is only 50% useful in this scenario.
To close the panel, simply press the Esc key at any time.
[quote="phatman"]Sorry probably a newbie problem, but I have setup F3 to toggle the Find Panel in DOpus 9. When you press F3 focus is given to the 'Name Matching' field - which is what you would expect, however this seems to prevent a second press of F3 from closing the panel.
Is this behaviour by design as I find it slightly disconcerting - if I press F3 again when the find panel has focus I would expect the panel to close
Esc closes the standalone Find dialog (window) but not the Find panel (the thing that's built into the lister).[/quote]
Oops. Sorry about that. I always use the standalone. I had to actually look for the other one, since I wasn't aware of it until after reading your post. Thanks, Leo.
I was having this same problem - I wanted "Ctrl+F" to toggle the find panel (even when I was within the find panel). I solved it by creating a AutoHotkey script with the following: