F3 Toggle Find Panel (Only One Way ?)

Sorry probably a newbie problem, but I have setup F3 to toggle the Find Panel in DOpus 9. When you press F3 focus is given to the 'Name Matching' field - which is what you would expect, however this seems to prevent a second press of F3 from closing the panel.

Is this behaviour by design as I find it slightly disconcerting - if I press F3 again when the find panel has focus I would expect the panel to close :question:



I don't think it's really done on purpose but that's how it works right now. If you want it changed, drop GPSoft a request.

Opus hotkey assignments (that are not system-wide) will not work when any of the following have the system focus:[ul][li] Any of the three Utility Panels[/li]
[li] The Viewer Pane[/li]
[li] Fields on toolbars[/li][/ul]
Opus hotkey assignments (that are not system-wide) will work if any of the following has the system focus:[ul][li] The folder Tree[/li]
[li] A File Display[/li][/ul]

Thanks for clearing that up guys,

Will pass it through to support - assume it will not have priority (pretty minor) but I can live in hope.



Yes it would be nice if this one was fixed.

The idea behind a shortcut is that you can perform a function with a keypress instead of having to use the mouse to click somewhere. At the moment you can open the find panel ok with a keypress but in order to close it you have to click on a lister and then press the shortcut key. It's faster to just click the x button which means the shortcut key is only 50% useful in this scenario.

To close the panel, simply press the Esc key at any time. :slight_smile:

[quote="phatman"]Sorry probably a newbie problem, but I have setup F3 to toggle the Find Panel in DOpus 9. When you press F3 focus is given to the 'Name Matching' field - which is what you would expect, however this seems to prevent a second press of F3 from closing the panel.

Is this behaviour by design as I find it slightly disconcerting - if I press F3 again when the find panel has focus I would expect the panel to close :question:



Esc closes the standalone Find dialog (window) but not the Find panel (the thing that's built into the lister).

Esc closes the standalone Find dialog (window) but not the Find panel (the thing that's built into the lister).[/quote]

Oops. Sorry about that. I always use the standalone. I had to actually look for the other one, since I wasn't aware of it until after reading your post. Thanks, Leo.

I was having this same problem - I wanted "Ctrl+F" to toggle the find panel (even when I was within the find panel). I solved it by creating a AutoHotkey script with the following:

#IfWinActive ahk_class dopus.lister ^f::Run, "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Set UTILITY=Find`,Toggle #IfWinActive

In Opus 10 this issue has been fixed for hotkeys like Ctrl-F.