Failure to Abort - Won't Stop for 3 mins+ & 40+ presses on button

Hit delete, last night, on a lot of folders.

Only once delete window appeared and informed me it was in fact deleting 1.4gb of data did I realize the error.

I hit abort as fast as I could.
It did NOT abort

I spent the next 3 minutes or so frantically hammering away at the Abort button but the deleting did not stop

Alarming & confusing.

Why is the Abort command/button not working immediately (or with seconds not minutes at least)

How do we to fix this malfunction?


Are you deleting to the Recycle Bin? If so, the dialog and abort button are handled by the Windows shell and should behave the same as in File Explorer.

If you're doing a non-recycled delete and seeing that kind of behaviour, my guess is antivirus or something is causing unusual delays. This may be related to your other thread about delays, and it would be best if we can solve that before worrying about other things which may turn out to have the same cause. We'll look at the snapshots as soon as you've sent them to us.