Faster AVI thumbnail generation?

I work with thousands of AVI files (mostly DV AVI files).

The generation of thumbnails in my DOpus is much slower than in Windows Explorer. I was wondering if there is any way to speed it up or to somehow make DOpus do it the same way and at the same speed as Windows Explorer?

Go to Preferences - Plugins - Viewers, configure the Movie plugin and turn off Skip over initial black frames. That will speed things up a bit in some cases, but you may also end up with black thumbnails sometimes.

Thanks nudel. Actually that was already turned off.

Not sure if this makes any difference for the movie plugin, but how many thumbnail threads do you have set in Prefs/Listers/Thumbnails? Try setting it to 1 or 2 depending on what it is now.

Thumbnail generation may also be sped up by updating to a newer video codec since Opus relies on your codecs to make the thumbs (though I would expect Explorer to do the same so I'm not sure what it's different).