I want to delete the one and only Favorite item showing in Favorites.
Favorites is in the default SM setting.
I do not know how it became a Favorite.
When I attempt to edit favorites to delete the item, it is not shown in the Favorites list.
Click on Favorites, then right click on the item, then select delete and a dialogue box appears asking if I really want to send the folder to the Recycle Bin?
NO, I do not want to delete the entire folder that contains 5gb of data.
How can this Favorite be deleted from Favorites without the folder being deleted?
I am a new user; just purchased and installed DOpus9.1. I received a serial number, but can find no information how to enter it to 'activate' Dopus now in Evaluation mode. What is the procedure to input the SN?
Click on the Help menu item, and select Licence Manager. You can install your licence certificate here by clicking on Install New Certificate and then pointing the file selection dialog box to were your licence information is stored.
The Favourite item you are seeing is probably due to Smart Favourites. If you don't want them you can turn them off and clear the existing list via Preferences.
I don't think there is a command to clear the smart favorites; the Preferences pages is the only place to clear them, AFAIK.
If you're clearing them regularly enough to want a command to do it, are they much use in the first place? You can turn them off entirely via Preferences if you don't want them.
Nope. I don't do it very often. It's just if I change work projects, I like to get rid of the old (now no longer relevant) smartfaves. Also wanted to put it into my new opus privacy button. I actually thought that one of the following commands would do it:
They're stored in smartfav.osf but it's only updated when you exit Opus.
If you don't need to clear them often, you could make a button which runs Prefs PAGE=smartfaves to open the Preferences page, then click the link to clear them.
I don't need to clear them very often, but I use keyboard shortcuts a lot as I like to avoid going into submenus/prefs unless totally necessary.
Maybe this qualifies as a feature request? I know you can make such a button, but It seems strange that opus does not have a dedicated privacy button by default and if creating such a button yourself, the program has to be restarted totally to actually get rid of the smartfaves, collections & undo log.