Favorites-Separators not shown in Folder Tree


In the preferences, I am able to add separators to the list of Favorites. Shouldn't they be also visible in the Folder Tree? Can I enable them in Folder Tree?

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Not currently in the tree. Only in menus. Although there is a way to get something similar at the bottom of here:

Oh, hmm... okay.
The workaround seems a bit too cumbersome to me, but thanks for the link!

If it happened that on one shiny day in the indefinite future, those separator lines also appeared in the Folder Tree, I'd be very happy and grateful.

Have a nice day and keep up the very very good work on this fantastic tool!


Just adding my vote for this. I am not sure what use separators are if they do not actually show up lol! They are of little use in the editing pane, but would me immensely useful if they showed up in the explorer tree. Tremendous program all together, thoroughly loving the latest version.

They are displayed in the Favorites menu, which is the primary interface for accessing favorites.

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Thanks for pointing that out. Maybe I should get into the habit of using them that way, it would def be faster in some circumstances. Have you ever considered allowing a title to be added with a separator?

No we hadn't - nice idea, we'll add it to the list.

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Just throwing my vote in for this feature!

In case it helps anyone else, I ended up creating dummy favorite branches, and using them as separators with titles. See screenshot example below. It would be nicer/cleaner this was built into DO, but it works well for me.


I would love to see this feature implemented. Seems moot if it only exists in the menus and not the tree.


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Amazing! Thanks for that.

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