FAYT # (Range) and : (Select) Suggestion

Rereading the FAYT section of the manual reminded me about # (Range) and : (Select). These are both very handy ways to select items. They would be even handier if they could be extended to optionally add files to an existing selection. Let's say I have some files selected..

..and I want to scroll to the next page and select some more. If I use # to open a new Range prompt, the moment I type an index number into the prompt, the current selection will be dropped and replaced by whatever new index range I specify. I'd like to suggest that doubling up on the # and : triggers could be used to extend a selection rather than replacing it. i.e. if I typed ## and then specified a range, the new selection would be added.

Regards, AB

Hmm, I'm not sure how well that would work since the selection is evaluated on each keypress.

For example, if you typed ##11 you would add both file 1 and file 11 to the selection.

You can already add multiple ranges using comma (,) between each one, so you can add to an exiting range by adding a comma and then the new range.

Yes I can, but if the file list extends beyond the visible pane then the moment I scroll down the entry field goes. This suggestion falls squarely into the category of nice to have but far from important. I'm sure there are plenty more pressing things for the developers to focus on. :slight_smile:

Regards, AB