
Hi Guys,

I have a folder full of photos (approx. 5000) named 00001.jpg, 00002.jpg, 00002a.jpg, 00002b.jpg, 00003.jpg, 05296.jpg etc.

These are taken on site and the shot number is noted on a plan for reference. They are also currently being used in a 3DS Max scene so they cannot be renamed at this point.

The problem I have is that when I use the "find as you type" search, upon entering "00" the 2nd "0" disappears plus any others after that, for example if I wanted to enter 000023, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th zeros would disappear leaving the search field displaying 023 instead and therefore not finding the file I require.

This is the same for any filename with the same 1st and 2nd character (numbers or letters).

I understand why it is behaving in this manner and I appreciate it's handy that continually pressing "0" will find the next file in the lister beginning with "0". This is not so good when I have a folder of 5000+ files beginning with "0".

Is this normal behaviour...?

Any help would be much appreciated.



Preferences >> Miscellaneous >> Advanced >> fayt_firstchar_repeat

D'oh!!! How stupid of me, I've somehow never noticed this page of options before.

Thanks Jon.