Feature "Locking the Format" doesn't work how I expected


I select a folder format for a sub-folder and lock it. Then I return to the root folder where I had selected a different format (also locked), but strangely the root folder now show whichever folder format I had applied to the sub-folder.

Can you confirm this bug or am I doing something wrong?


The lock is for the lister, not for the folder.

2021-03-13 - 19.14.23 - D

Details here:

It is listed under folder options in the official manual: https://www.gpsoft.com.au/help/opus11/index.html#!Documents/Locking_the_Format.htm

Unless I'm mistaken?

It's in that section of the manual because it relates to folder options. But it is an attribute of the window or tab, not the folder. It locks the tab to whatever the current format is, and keeps that format when you change folders instead of changing to the new folder's format.

If I've understood what you're tying to do, the format lock does the opposite to what you want. Make sure it's turned off to avoid problems.

If you want a particular folder to look different to other folders, set it up how you want it, then go to Folder > Folder Options (in the menus at the top) and then choose Save, then the option to save the format for a folder/path.

You can review and edit formats saved in this way via Preferences > Folders > Folder Formats.

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This workaround is perfect to achieve my "folder format lock" goal. Thank you, Leo!

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