JScript is JavaScript already, albeit an older version compared to what's available in web browsers today.
PowerShell doesn't have an ActiveScripting version AFAIK, and seems more suited to running things from outside of them rather than as a scripting language that runs inside of things.
i guess i'm really asking for a scripting language that seems modern. I know alot of modern languages but VBscript I haven't written since old school asp pages
If Jscript was more like ECMAScript 2018 i'd be in heaven
Opus scripts don't tend to be that complicated so the newer JavaScript features not being there shouldn't usually matter, unless you're doing something out of the ordinary.
Well if one is used to use last ECMAScript feature, it may be very frustrating to use JScript and wonder why such method doesn’t work with it. Plus the problem comes when you search for documentation. If you’re accustomed to search in MDN it may lead to confusion why it won’t work in DOpus.
As far as I know, we can not use nodeJS and MS doesn’t plan to add new bells and whistles to WSH language support about JavaScript. We stuck with ES3 unless one prefers Perl or Python.