Feature Request - Control Lister Scrollbars with Ctrl-UP and Ctrl-DOWN (what....?)

Well with Xmas coming we all have our DO wishes some of which will be satisfied by the very exciting DO13 announcement... and some not!

Here is my DO xmas feature request wish:
That the scroll bars on listers can be controlled by holding the Ctrl key down and then hitting the UP or DOWN arrows to generate movement accordingly.
It is quite hard to explain what I mean so made much easier when I found (to my delight) that this feature is in fact available in the button editor.....

What? You don't understand? Well hopefully this movie will explain!!!!

Ctrl + Up/Down already do an important function: Moving the focus item without changing the selection.

FWIW, if you turn on Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Behavior] scroll_lock, you can push the ScrLk key to toggle the cursor keys affecting the scrollbar directly.

Acknowledged @Leo
I looked in Settings > Customize Toolbars > Keys
But I cannot find an entry for Ctrl + Up/Down
So the keys for that action (Moving the focus item without changing the selection) is not customizable then? That would make this feature request harder/more work to do.
Maybe in DOpus 14...? :slight_smile:

Those keys are standard for multi-select lists in Windows (similar to up and down themselves moving the selection up and down) and don’t come from hotkeys

You can override them with a hotkey, but then you’d lose something that’s quite useful at times.

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