Feature request - if process exists

While @modifiers still make sense to make this much easier, you can do this already using scripting and the WMI API.

An example can be found in the ExitOpusAndWait script in the How to Exit Directory Opus FAQ where it talks about automating shutdown and restart of Opus.

Here's the script code (this is a standalone script that runs outside of Opus, but the same objects and functions will work with scripts inside of Opus):

option explicit

Dim OpusInstallPath
OpusInstallPath = "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus"

Private Function ProcessIsRunning( wmi, strProcess )
	Dim colProcessList

	Set colProcessList = wmi.Execquery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name ='" & strProcess & "'")

	If colProcessList.Count > 0 Then
		ProcessIsRunning = True
		ProcessIsRunning = False
	End If

	Set colProcessList = Nothing
End Function

Private Function WaitForProcess( wmi, strProcess )
	Dim i

	WaitForProcess = False

	For i = 0 to 100
		If ProcessIsRunning( wmi, strProcess ) Then
			WScript.Sleep 200
			WaitForProcess = True
			Exit For
		End If
End Function

Dim Shell
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim wmi
Set wmi = Getobject("Winmgmts:")

If ProcessIsRunning(wmi, "dopusrt.exe") Then
	Shell.Run """" & OpusInstallPath & "\dopusrt.exe"" /dblclk=off", 1, TRUE
End If

If ProcessIsRunning(wmi, "dopus.exe") Then
	Shell.Run """" & OpusInstallPath & "\dopusrt.exe"" /CMD Close PROGRAM", 1, TRUE
End If

' Wait for dopusrt.exe and dopus.exe to finish shutting down.

Dim AllStopped
AllStopped = False

If WaitForProcess(wmi, "dopus.exe") Then
	If WaitForProcess(wmi, "dopusrt.exe") Then
		AllStopped = True
	End If
End If

If Not AllStopped Then
	MsgBox WScript.ScriptName & ": Error -- Opus is still running."
	WScript.Quit 1
End If