Feature Request: Save Configuration x Privacy-Safe option


From discussions a couple of years ago, I remember that Opus Team is not wild about the sharing of configuration (OCB files), but rather encourages the sharing of buttons and toolbars.
It is no doubt truly wonderful how easily we can share buttons and toolbars...

But I have been in situations when sharing an OCB (configuration file) would save me a lot of work. I wonder if others have too, and if so, whether Opus Team would consider adding a small option in the Save Config menu, a "Privacy-Safe" checkbox so that the saved config does not contain any private information.

Here are some cases where this would really help me.

  1. When I install Opus on a friend's computer. I want to replicate my settings, but if I share the OCB, I am also sharing a lot of private information that I later have to hunt down and manually delete. For instance:
  • FTP sites (ready to connect as passwords are saved),
  • names of filtered files and folders (e.g. colors are applied to them),
  • names of folders in Favorites,
  • email settings (SMTP),
  • logs,
  • most-recently-used,
  • collections,
  • at some stage some time ago I think I even found a registration code in the OCB,
  • and I am sure there is more

It would be a big help if I could share my configuration (OCB) minus the "private" / sensitive information.

  1. I have also had several requests on the dearOpus site to simplify the customization process by sharing my configuration file. Time and time again, I have to decline because of the personal information in the OCB.

Hoping to see some stimulating dialogue on this question. :slight_smile:

As usual, endless thanks for the amazing software.

Which bits of the config are actually worth sharing with people?

It might be better to just select the parts you want to share and share them, rather than tackling things the other way around and sharing everything except certain things.

That makes it less of a surprise when people use what you share, since only the things they explicitly load into their configurations are changed, not the entire user interface changing without them knowing what happened. (People are confused enough when they switch to your toolbars and all the toolbars, menus and hotkey are rearranged from what's described everywhere else. :slight_smile:)

Themes and toolbars should cover almost everything already, I think. If there are gaps, we'd rather provide solutions for sharing whatever is missing (within reason) rather than encourage full OCB sharing.