Feature suggestion quick toggle 2=>1=>2 window panes


i use a double pane window, it woul dbe very very nice if there would be a button when pressed, the right or left window pane is hidden. It often occupies a lot of screen space but is still very handy to have 2 window panes. Woul dyou consider that feature?

regards Nolan

There are already several ways to do that:

  • The close buttons on the panels will close them. (It's optional whether it closes all tabs on that side or just the active tab.)

  • The toolbar buttons which turn on the second file display will also turn it off it you click again. (It's optional whether they remember what was in it for the next time it's turned on.)

  • Hotkeys can do the same things, and you can create similar toolbar buttons in other places if you want.

Hi, thanks

can you show me - or explain:

  • The toolbar buttons which turn on the second file display will also turn it off it you click again. (It's optional whether they remember what was in it for the next time it's turned on.)


thanks, but that does not do what i am after, the total size of opus occupying screen space is still the same it only closes one window pane, it woul dbe great if the area of the closed pane "dissapeared" - reducing the total ares opus occupy on the screen (that was the idea after all )

Any tip on how to make this possible ?


You could do that via scripting.

Or open two separate windows instead of one dual window.

Have you considered using a Layout?

ok thanks, how coul dit be done via scripting ? (2 dual windows is to much like file explorer from windows)


The OnListerUIChange event will trigger when the dual display is turned on or off. The script could resize the window at that point.

thanks, but i wouldnt know hot to do that.

Years ago, I decided I wanted the same thing, so I wrote a script.

The end of the message (now has) a link to the FAQ on how to install a button (the .DCF file attached in that post) from a forum post.

Ok thanks, ill se if i can understand how to :slight_smile:

Note that that script is a button which will only resize the window if you turn the dual file display on/off by clicking that button. (It could also work via a hotkey. But it won't work with things like closing the last tab on one side.)

You could use scripting events to make it happen no matter how the dual file display is turned on/off, although it would be a lot more complicated.

(You could also do something much more simple, which is have a button or two which sets the window to a particular size, or cycles between two sizes as needed.)