File Collection and Copy Full Pathnames

File Collection
I'm trying to copy files from my File Collection with its path location. I'm using Right Click- Copy Full Pathnames. I'm getting very erratic behavior. If I select 3,4,5, or 10 and right-click, most of the time I will have the option of Copy Full Pathnames. If I select 20, 30, or more I will not get Copy Full Pathnames. Instead, I will get the option of a "Copy".

The Copy Full Pathnames gives me the current location, and that's what I need. Selecting files in my File Collection is not a problem, for a few files. The problem comes in when I want to Copy Full Pathnames of a large amount.. It's very erratic.

Maybe I'm approaching my issue totally wrong. I have a bunch of hard drives lying around and I want to get a list of everything on each hard drive. I need to know the file name, size of the file, creation date, and its location on the hard drive. I have actually done this with the program called STG Folder Print. I also use File Collection to search for certain extensions. But mostly I'm looking to save the structure into Excel, Office 365,

Then why am I messing around with Opus? I guess I just feel more comfortable with Opus. I figure Opus should be able to do this with no problem. Or maybe not...

Use Edit > Copy Full Pathname from the menus instead. Context menus will show only limited options if too many files, or files or different types, are selected.

Thank you, Leo.

Talking about memory. I'm using a portable with 16GB ram. I have heard so much about memory, still a bit in the dark. I have a tower, down right now, with 128GB Would that be a big benefit with Opus?
Operating system
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.

Won't make much difference with Opus.

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Thank you, Leo.