File Collection
I'm trying to copy files from my File Collection with its path location. I'm using Right Click- Copy Full Pathnames. I'm getting very erratic behavior. If I select 3,4,5, or 10 and right-click, most of the time I will have the option of Copy Full Pathnames. If I select 20, 30, or more I will not get Copy Full Pathnames. Instead, I will get the option of a "Copy".
The Copy Full Pathnames gives me the current location, and that's what I need. Selecting files in my File Collection is not a problem, for a few files. The problem comes in when I want to Copy Full Pathnames of a large amount.. It's very erratic.
Maybe I'm approaching my issue totally wrong. I have a bunch of hard drives lying around and I want to get a list of everything on each hard drive. I need to know the file name, size of the file, creation date, and its location on the hard drive. I have actually done this with the program called STG Folder Print. I also use File Collection to search for certain extensions. But mostly I'm looking to save the structure into Excel, Office 365,
Then why am I messing around with Opus? I guess I just feel more comfortable with Opus. I figure Opus should be able to do this with no problem. Or maybe not...