File Collections / Find Results Tree

In the Folder Tree pane, I have File Collections with multiple Find Results (Find Results, Find Results (1), Find Results (2), ...Find Results (5), etc)

When I select Find Results (4) or Find Results (5) the right pane list files from the search results.
I no longer need the results so my question is:

How do I delete the additional Find Results folders on the Folder Tree WITHOUT deleting actual files in the right pane showing files that resulted from the search. I do not want to delete file, just the multiple Find Results folders under the File Collections tree.

Thank you.

From the Folder Tree, you can right-click any collection and delete it. Deleting the collection itself will not delete the files inside it.

If you want to clean up several collections at once, go to the Collections folder, above all the individual collections, and there you can select them all and delete them all at once.

Just make sure you don't go into a collection and delete the files or folders that are inside it, and you won't delete them.

The delete confirmation dialogs should also tell you what you are about to delete, so you can be sure the right thing is happening.

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Thank you for your accurate and prompt response.