File Collections: Move collection in subfolder (sub-collections)


can't move an collection in a subfolder (sub-collections). Is that possible at all?

Many thanks and greetings

Could you be a little more specific please? Exactly what are you trying to do?

Hello Jon,

File Collection +-- Coll1 | \-- Coll1.1 +-- Coll2 | +-- Coll2.1 | \-- Coll2.2 +-- Coll3 ...Want to insert "Coll3" as subfolder (sub-collection) of "Coll1.1" via drag and drop.

Many thanks and greetings

I have been behind on my forum posts (I'm reading posts from approximately 2+ weeks ago). I am finding a very large number of unresolved/unanswered this one. It's really, really alarming how many are "dangling".

There is no forum on Earth where literally everything is answered within two weeks, even during busy periods or where people are on holiday. I think we do pretty well and answer most threads quickly, but we can't answer everything quickly (or at all, sometimes). The fact you find this alarming when far worse is the norm everywhere else speaks to how well we do in general.

If something isn't answered it usually means we need to look into it more to give a good answer (which may be "it can't be done" or "I've spent two days adding this as a new feature and can now say it works and will be out soon" or "here's how, now I've worked it out"). Right now it takes longer as we have so much post-release feedback to work through.

I've asked once already: Please do not bump threads from other people, especially older ones, unless you have something useful to add which helps to answer them or have the same question yourself. It gets in the way more than anything else.