I was recently using File Extensions to try to limit the folders I searched in on a network drive that had MANY folders.
So I added the select folder to the collection, but when going to try to search it, it goes back to doing the entire drive directory, not just the File collections items.
I'm trying to limit a Dopus search routine to a file collection. The file collection is made up of files on a network drive.
See the attached image that tries to explain.
It even tries to continue to go to the network drive if I copy the subset of files to the desktop, and then add them to the collection. It still goes to the network drives even though none of the files are on the network drive (but came from originally). I wouldn't have expected that...
Should you be able to select File Collections to search in the "Find - Directory Opus" window? I thought you would because it's a Dopus file collection and a Dopus search routine.
At the moment you can't search inside File Collections. Search results can be put into a Collection, but you can't then search within that collection using the Find tool. (You can using the filename filter boxes, though.)
At the moment the only way to search multiple directories using the Find tool is to click the drives icon and specify multiple drives. Unfortunately you can't select subdirectories in this case, only entire drives. Hopefully this will be improved in a future version as it's a fairly popular request and would be quite useful.